Mindful Wing Chun - Main Program
Yearly Plan
This program was put together by Sifu Nima King who has been teaching Wing Chun for over 20 years and spent close to ten thousand hours training under Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin over a period of 9 years. It is a comprehensive course from the very fundamentals to the pinnacle of the weapon forms and applications.
Snippets of our Video Course
Here are some snippets taken from the the hundreds of videos you will access within the first few months of the program.
What Results can I Expect?
The results from our method of practice are very real and tangible. In the last decade of operation at our school in Hong Kong we have witnessed dozens of life transformations in our students. From postural correction, to pain relief, to finding focus and direction in life through the positive change that this mindfulness practice brings, and to gaining confidence knowing you can develop great force and defend yourself if needed. These are just a few examples of the very tangible benefits our students have gained.
Students with an Annual or Lifetime Memberships can have 2 weeks of FREE training per year at our Hong Kong school.
The Curriculum
- 1a. Correct Posture (31:29)
- 1b. Correct Posture - Summary (6:14)
- 2a. The Posture of the Wing Chun Stance (26:04)
- 2b. The Posture of the Wing Chun Stance - Summary (7:53)
- 3a. Standing Meditation Practices - Part 1 (18:09)
- 3b. Standing Meditation practices - Summary (4:35)
- 4. Introduction to Siu Nim Tao form (12:54)
- 5. Standing Meditation - Arms By Your Side and In Stance (1) (5:01)
- 6a. Learning the Siu Nim Tao Sequence - 1st Section (28:21)
- 6b. Learning the Siu Nim Tao Sequence - 2nd Section (12:27)
- 6c. Learning the Siu Nim Tao Sequence - 3rd Section (14:07)
- 7. Learning the Complete Siu Nim Tao Sequence (9:47)
- 8. Week 1 - Homework Tips (7:59)
- 9. Week 1 - Homework
- 10. Mindful Wing Chun Online Glossary
- 11. Program INDEX
- 1. Taigung, Seng, and Balance (14:45)
- 2a. Siu Nim Tao's 1st Section - Movements, Shapes, and Positions (15:25)
- 2b. Siu Nim Tao's 2nd Section - Movements, Shapes, and Positions (4:12)
- 2c. Siu Nim Tao's 3rd Section - Movements, Shapes, and Positions (11:37)
- 3. Standing Meditation - Arms By Your Side and In Stance (2) (7:59)
- 4. Daily Exercise - Continuous Punching Level 1 (6:10)
- 5. Training tips - Calm and Balanced State of Mind (19:01)
- 6. Week 2 - Homework
- 1a. The Wing Chun Guard (14:22)
- 1b. The Wing Chun Guard - SUMMARY (7:58)
- 2. Standing Meditation Practices - Part 2 (22:25)
- 3a. Taigung and Seng - Additional Information - Part 1 (15:20)
- 3b. Taigung and Seng - Additional Information - Part 2 (16:24)
- 4. Double Fook Sau (1) - Standing Meditation (6:17)
- 5. Centerline Punch from the Guard On a Pad (6:41)
- 6. Week 3 - Homework Tips (4:56)
- 7. Week 3 - Homework
- 1a. Mindful Relaxation and the Idea of Placing (33:17)
- 1b. Mindful Relaxation and the Idea of Placing - Summary (7:19)
- 2. Standing Meditation - Double Fook Sau (2) (3:08)
- 3. CST Wing Chun's Chi Sau Steps (31:42)
- 4. Introduction to Chisau - Summary (10:20)
- 5. The Sequence and Shapes of Single Sticking Hands (14:06)
- 6. Training tips - Finding a Training Partner (21:02)
- Give 25%, Get 25% (Refer a Friend)
- 7. Week 4 - Homework Tips (6:15)
- 8. Week 4 - Homework
- 1. The Advantages of the Wing Chun Stance (10:24)
- 2. The Optimal Angle (10:55)
- 3. The 5 Principles of Mindful Wing Chun - Part 1 (20:15)
- 4. Standing Meditation - Double Wu Sau (5:20)
- 5. Centerline Punch vs. a Guard or Punch on the Centerline (8:17)
- 6. More on Taigung, Seng and Balance (12:13)
- 7. Testing Taigung and Seng - Method 1 (7:10)
- 8. Training Tips - Optimally Utilising the Curriculum (26:09)
- 9. Week 6 - Homework
- 1. The Concept of Centerline and Forward Intent (27:04)
- 2. Centerline and Forward Intention - Summary (7:17)
- 3. The 5 Principles of Mindful Wing Chun - Part 2 (18:03)
- 4. Standing Meditation - Double Tan Sau (6:28)
- 5. Double Palm Strike On a Pad (7:21)
- 6. Forward Force Test in Single Chi Sau (12:51)
- 7. Week 7 - Homework Tips (5:27)
- 8. Week 7 - Homework
- 1. Using the Laws of Mechanics in Wing Chun (42:01)
- 2. Standing Meditation - Start Position (1) (5:20)
- 3. Palm Strike (from the 1st Section of Siu Nim Tao) On a Pad (3:01)
- 4. The Structural Mechanics of Single Sticking Hands - Part 1 (20:22)
- 5. Chit or Bong Sau vs. a Cross or Overhand Punch (7:42)
- 6. Training Tips - Developing a Habit (11:06)
- 7. Week 8 - Homework
- 1. Elbow Force (33:40)
- 1a. Elbow Force - Summary (6:27)
- 2a. Applying Elbow Force in Siu Nim Tao - Part 1 (28:36)
- 2b. Applying Elbow Force in Siu Nim Tao - Part 2 (26:05)
- 3. Daily Exercise - Knee Raises (9:42)
- 4. Standing Meditation - Start Position (2) (9:13)
- 5. Structural Mechanics of Single Sticking Hands - Part 2 (22:23)
- 6. Counter-Pierce vs. a Guard or a Punch on Centerline (6:24)
- 7. Week 9 - Homework tips (7:50)
- 8. Week 9 - Homework
- 1a. Applying Elbow Force in Siu Nim Tao - Part 3 (27:37)
- 1b. Applying Elbow Force in Siu Nim Tao - Part 4 (30:27)
- 2. Continuous Punches and Palm Strikes On a Pad (6:20)
- 3. Standing Meditation - Fook Sau (1) (4:14)
- 4. Single Chisau's Jow Sau (Fleeeting Hand) Exercise (20:03)
- 5. Cross-Punching Exercise (4:01)
- 6. Training Tips - Don't think. Feel! (13:02)
- 7. Week 11 - Homework
- 1. Precision of Movements Concept (7:52)
- 2. Precision of Movement in Siu Nim Tao - Part 1 (24:08)
- 3. Standing Meditation - Fook Sau (2) (7:47)
- 4. Snap Kicks Done in the Air (with the Guard) (9:55)
- 5. Common Mistakes in Single Sticking Hands - Part 2 (15:39)
- 6. Punch and Parry vs. a Guard on Centerline (6:24)
- 7. Week 15 - Homework Tips (5:37)
- 8. Week 15 - Homework
- 1. Precision of Movement in Siu Nim Tao - Part 2 (24:16)
- 2. Standing Meditation - Tan Sau (2) (6:32)
- 3. Continuous Punching (daily exercise) - Level 2 (7:17)
- 4. Common Mistakes in Single Sticking Hands - Part 3 (16:11)
- 5. Snap Kick On a Pad (9:18)
- 6. Training Tips - The Health Benefits of this Method of Wing Chun (21:17)
- 7. Week 16 - Homework
- 1a. The Concept of Joint Rotation (22:17)
- 1b. The Concept of Joint Rotation - Summary (15:20)
- 1c. The Concept of Joint Rotation
- 2. Joint Rotation in SNT Movements - Part 1 (21:33)
- 3. 4-Corner Deflection Exercise - In Sequence (8:18)
- 4. Defense to Groin Kicks with the Heel Kick (11:37)
- 5. Applying Elbow Force in Look Sau (10:46)
- 6. Week 20 - Homework Tips (10:01)
- 7. Week 20 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Joint rotation in SNT Movements - Part 5 (14:20)
- 2a. The relationship of the Stance, Taigung and Seng - PART 1 (28:26)
- 2b. The relationship of the Stance, Taigung and Seng - PART 2 (19:05)
- 3. Cross-Punching Exercise - with Bong & Tan Sau (13:18)
- 4. Cut-Down and In-Slash Done as Strikes (11:57)
- 5. Breathing and its Relationship to Your Practice (12:15)
- 6. Week 23 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Training the Stance on One Leg (23:37)
- 2. Practicing Siu Nim Tao on One Leg (8:26)
- 3. Testing Taigung and Seng - Method 3 (Advanced) (8:59)
- 4. Defence Against a Straight Punch with a 'Bong to Tan' Rotation (6:29)
- 5. Applying Precision, 'Heurng' and Triangulation in Look Sau (8:36)
- 6. Week 25 - Homework tips (9:36)
- 7. Week 25 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Heel Kick Practised in the Air with your Guard (9:29)
- 2. 3 Methods of testing Taigung and Seng (6:49)
- 3. Defence against Spinning Back Kick a with Heel Kick (7:07)
- 4. Applying the Concept of 'Joint Rotation' in Look Sau (12:41)
- 5. Training Tips - Staying Motivated for Practice (25:13)
- 6. Week 28 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Dynamic Balance Test While in Stance (6:18)
- 2. Heel kick Against You Partner Charging In (6:29)
- 3. Basic Counters to Arm-Grabs (15:29)
- 4a. Training Tips - Lifestyle habits beneficial for this practice - PART 1 (22:59)
- 4b. Training Tips - Lifestyle habits beneficial for this practice - PART 2 (30:38)
- 5. Revision video - Testing Taigung, Seng , & balance (12:13)
- 6. Week 32 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Practicing Seng only through Thoracic Spine - Pros and Cons (16:32)
- 2. Partner-assist for relaxing the stomach and mid section with Taigung and Seng (31:19)
- 3. Dynamic Balance - Commitment Test with Punches (7:48)
- 4. Triangulation Test Exercises (14:24)
- 5. Kick Defence with a Heel kick to your Opponent's Supporting Leg Followed by a 2nd Kick (11:55)
- 6. Week 33 - Homework Tips (12:35)
- 7. Week 33 - Homework Sheet
- 1. SNT - 'Joon-Joo' - Using a 'Continuous Process' to Hold Positions and Postures (27:01)
- 2. Palm Strikes Done at Various Angles (11:01)
- 3. Elbow Force Test Exercises (9:46)
- 4. Tan & Fook Sau Attack and Defence Exercise (10:44)
- 5. Training Tips - Transmuting Negative Thoughts (13:51)
- 6. Week 34 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements with a Partner (16:07)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT - 1st Section, Part 1 , Start Pose (17:01)
- 3. Start Pose - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 1 (18:22)
- 4. Counter-Pierce Followed by Garn Sau & Punch Against a Straight Punch (15:41)
- 5. Jow Sau, changing sides, and double Bong/Fook exercises in Look Sau (9:40)
- 6. Week 36 - Homework tips (16:55)
- 7. Week 36 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 2, Double Chit Sau (5:37)
- 2. Double Chit Saus - SNT Power Generation - 1st ection Part 2 (17:18)
- 3. 4-Corner Defence Sequence with your Partner Moving In and Out Dynamically (11:55)
- 4. Heel Kicks vs. the 3 Different Types of Kicks We've Looked at So Far (10:02)
- 5. Week 37 Homework Sheet
- 1. Further info on Pressure Testing / Power Generation exercises (11:57)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 3, Double Dai Sau (Arm Raise) (4:05)
- 3. Double Dai Sau - SNT Power Generation - 1st Section Part 3 (14:50)
- 4. Double Palm Strike Performed on One Leg (15:33)
- 5. Double Singles Exercise in Look Sau (7:51)
- 6. Training Tips - Self honesty within your practice (21:11)
- 7. Week 39- Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 4, Arms Back to Start Pose + Bringing Fist to Centerline (4:33)
- 2. Arms back to Start Pose , Fist into Centerline - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 4 (14:59)
- 3. Latching on one leg - 'Dynamic Balance' test (13:05)
- 4. Low Heel Kick followed by Thrust Kick On a Pad (Alternate Legs for Each Kick) (7:04)
- 5. Practicing the 3 Look Sau Exercises at Will (16:00)
- 6. Week 40 - Homework Tips (9:43)
- 7. Week 40 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT - 1st Section, Part 5, Centerline Punch (3:01)
- 2. Centerline Punch - SNT Power Generation - 1st Section Part 5 (15:03)
- 3. 6-point deflection exercise (semi-random sequenced) (16:53)
- 4. Chi Sau trapping - Parry trap from low Fook Sau (11:54)
- 5. Conditioning the body (19:17)
- 6. Week 42 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 6, Huen Sau and Bringing the Arm Back to Start Pose (4:14)
- 2. Huen Sau, bringing arm back to Start Pose - SNT Power Generation - 1st Section Part 6 (7:20)
- 3. Continuous Punches on a Pad with Jum Saus (10:36)
- 4. Counter Punch / Pierce against random straight punches (with correct follow ups) (11:46)
- 5. Training tips - Using 'Subtraction' Rather than 'Addition' as a Philosophy of Practice (14:33)
- 6. Week 43 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 7, Tan Sau (4:34)
- 2. Tan Sau - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 7 (20:09)
- 3. Daily Exercise - Continuous Punch Exercise Level 3 (11:16)
- 4. Being Pulled on Your Fully Extended Arm - (Dynamic Balance test) (10:57)
- 5. Chi Sau Trapping - High Fook Sau Latching Trap (7:36)
- 6. Homework Tips - Week 44 (7:12)
- 7. Week 44 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pivoting Intro - (Turning to 45 Degrees Only) (12:44)
- 2. Pressure Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 8, Huen Sau + Wu Sau (2:14)
- 3. Huen Sau & Wu Sau - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 8 (14:56)
- 4. Cross-Punching Exercise with Fook Sau and Reverse-Tan Saus (11:33)
- 5. Knee-Drop - Done as a Strike on a Pad (14:48)
- 6. Training Tips - Utilizing the Program efficiently ( and becoming your own Master Part 1) (19:34)
- 7. Week 45 - Homework Sheet
- 1. SNT - “Dropping” Back Muscles to Initiate All Movements (20:42)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 9, Wu Sau + Fook Sau (10:34)
- 3. Wu Sau (continued) and Fook Sau - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 9 (22:20)
- 4. Defense to Basic Kicks - with Added Pivoting to Track the Partner (21:11)
- 5. Chisau - Bong Sau Trap (19:39)
- 6. Week 47 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 1st Section, Part 10, Parry and Palm Strike from the Centerline (10:06)
- 2. Assisted one-leg practice - Placing one leg on a stool for support (17:32)
- 3. Parry and Palm Strike (from Centerline) - SNT Power Generations - 1st Section Part 10 (18:15)
- 4. Straight Punches on a Pad while Standing on 1 Leg (10:42)
- 5. 6-Point Deflection Exercise (Semi-Sequenced) with Pivots (14:40)
- 6. Week 48 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 2nd Section, Part 1, Downward Palm Strikes and Transitions (11:22)
- 2. Downward Palm Strikes and Transitions - SNT Power Generation - 2nd Section Part 1 (17:27)
- 3. Bong Sau/Chit Sau done as Strikes on a Pad (10:21)
- 4. Chisau - Counter to the Parry Trap (10:09)
- 5. Training Tips - Mastering the Ego and Retaining the 'Beginner's Mind' (23:25)
- 6. Week 50 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pivoting All the Way to 90° (with Arms by your Side) (25:39)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 2nd Section, Part 2, Down/Forward Palm Strike & Transition up into Side Slash (4:33)
- 3. Down/Forward Palm Strike and transition up into Side Slash - SNT Power Generation - 2nd Section Part 2 (16:40)
- 4. Pivot and Heel Kicks vs. Partner's Stepping into Range (18:13)
- 5. Cross-Punching Exercises - Smoothly Transitioning Between all Moves (10:15)
- 6. Week 51 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 2nd Section, Part 3, Side Slash (Out and In) and Transition to Cut Down (8:29)
- 2. Side Slash (Out and In) and Transition to Cut Down - SNT Power Generation - 2nd Section Part 3 (16:53)
- 3. Lap Sau Exercise (16:39)
- 4. Close Range Punching on a Pad (Also Done on One Leg) (23:25)
- 5. Low Heel Kick Followed by Thrust Kick on Pad (Using the Same Leg) (11:14)
- 6. Training Tips - Reminder about 'Holistic' & 'Effortlessness' in SNT (18:59)
- 7. Week 53 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 2nd Section, Part 4, Cut Down and Jum Sau (1:29)
- 2. Cut Down and Jum Sau - SNT Power Generation - 2nd Section Part 4 (14:10)
- 3. Taigung and Dynamic Balance Tests While in Fook Sau (11:00)
- 4. Chisau - Counter to the Fook Sau Latch trap (11:41)
- 6. Week 54 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Intro to Stepping from the WC Stance (22:50)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 2nd Section, Part 5, Double Pierce, Arms Extended Down Up and Back (8:10)
- 3. Double Pierce, Arms Extended Down Up and Back - SNT Power Generation - 2nd Section Part 5 (21:50)
- 4. Balance - Commitment Testing Exercise for Kicks (10:25)
- 5. Week 55 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pivoting with the Arms Up (as in Chum Kiu's 1st Section) (23:44)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 3rd Section, Part 1, Parry & Palm Strike (from the Shoulder (3:05)
- 3. Parry & Palm Strike (from the Shoulder) - SNT Power Generation - 3rd Section Part 1 (16:48)
- 4. Chisau - Counter to the Bong Sau Trap (14:11)
- 5. Adding Lap Sau into the Cross-Punching Exercise (7:46)
- 6. Week 56 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Revision in the Upcoming Weeks (7:04)
- 2. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 3rd Section, Part 2, Garn Sau and Bong Sau (8:32)
- 3. Garn Sau and Bong Sau - SNT Power Generation - 3rd Section Part 2 (18:33)
- 4. Testing the Liveness and Sticking Quality of the WC Guards (19:02)
- 5. Chisau - Practicing All 3 Trap and their Counters In Sequence (8:35)
- 6. Revision - Look Sau Shapes Pressure Tests (8:38)
- 7. Revision - Absorption Exercise - 1 (8:54)
- 8. Week 58 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Pressure-Testing SNT Movements - 3rd Section, Part 3, Bong Sau’s Palm Strike, Chit Sau and Punch Sections (7:12)
- 2. Bong Sau’s Palm Strike, Chit Sau and Punch Sections - SNT Power Generations - 3rd Section Part 3 (14:48)
- 3. Revising All Arm-Strikes (Learned so far) on a Pad (9:53)
- 4. Revision - Latching on One Leg - Dynamic Balance Test (13:05)
- 5. Revision - Practicing the 3 Look Sau Exercises at Will (16:00)
- 6. Week 59 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Constantly Revising SNT Movement’s “Pressure Testing” (5:06)
- 2. Revising all Leg-Strikes (Learned so far) on a Pad (14:34)
- 3. Revision - Counter-Pierce Followed by Garn Sau & Punch (vs. a Straight Punch) (15:41)
- 4. Revision - 6-Point Deflection Exercise (Semi-Sequenced) with Pivots (14:40)
- 5. Week 61 - Homework Sheet
- 1. SNT - The Path to Stillness, Emptiness and Flow (17:30)
- 2. Spine Movement to Promote Leg Relaxation, Seng and Balance (15:32)
- 3. Revision - “Chark Jong” (Guard Break) Techniques - Part 1 (14:49)
- 4. Revision - Adding Lap Sau into the Cross-Punching Exercise (7:46)
- 5. Revision - Defense to Basic Kicks, With Added Pivoting to Track the Partner (21:11)
- 6. Week 62 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Pressure Tests - Double Vertical Pierce (17:13)
- 2. CK Pressure Tests - Pivot and Bend Arms to Parallel (12:54)
- 3. CK Pressure Tests - ADDITIONAL INFO for Pivot and bend arms to parallel (23:41)
- 4. Speed & Reflex exercise - Pivot and Punch over a reacting guard (17:06)
- 5. Chark Jong - Wedge exercises done dynamically (9:06)
- 6. Week 86 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Pressure Tests - Pivoting (180°) with static parallel arms (11:19)
- 2. CK Pressure Tests - Double Horizontal Pierce (in CK Stance) (8:28)
- 3. Chisau - Stepping forward with static (active) Look Sau shapes (11:47)
- 4. Chain Kicking - 2 kicks powered by the Center/Axis (9:31)
- 5. Week 87 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Continuous Relaxing of the Back Muscles Coupled with "Joon-Joo" from the Axis (23:47)
- 2. CK Pressure Tests - CK Latch and Tan Sau (in CK Stance) (16:14)
- 3. CK Pressure Tests - Palm Strikes (in CK Stance) (11:22)
- 4. Bridging the gap followed by Punch Latches and Hook Kick (12:14)
- 5. Week 88 - Homework Sheet
- 1. SNT – Initiating every movement from a ‘point’ inside the body (at the back) (37:23)
- 2. CK Power Generation – Returning from Bong and Dai Saus with Pivot (10:21)
- 3. CK Power Generation – Punching with the fist starting off Centerline (8:10)
- 4. CK Power Generation – Back to Start Pose while in CK Stance (13:17)
- 5. Random Arms - with Wing Chun person moving in (30:31)
- 6. Week 91 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation – Pivot and Side Slash (24:34)
- 2. CK Power Generation – Inward Palm Strike after Side Slash (19:00)
- 3. Chark Jong - Step Double Pierce with Huen Sau and Double Palm : Chum Kiu Latch : Parry and Strike (15:35)
- 4. Counter Punch & Heel Kick, Latch and High Hook Kick followed by Low Hook Kick (Chain Kicking) (21:08)
- 5. Week 92 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation – One arm piercing out as the other returns to Start Pose (21:19)
- 2. CK Power Generation 2nd Section – Pivoting 90° while rotating the forearm (10:43)
- 3. Basic stepping to power your Chisau (18:50)
- 4. Step and punch against a guard entering from both inner and outer gates (10:23)
- 5. Week 94 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Heel Kick then stepping down with a Pivot (12:50)
- 2. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Side-step resisted at the body (12:35)
- 3. Counter to neck-grab with Double Cut Down and Kick (11:53)
- 4. Knee Strikes - Powered with steps and pivots (14:31)
- 5. Week 95 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Chum Kiu - Working on Lightness! (20:13)
- 2. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Side step (with back leg) and Bong, Dai sau (16:32)
- 3. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Side step (with front leg) with arms coming down to Tan Saus (13:11)
- 4. Outside-Pivot Punch - practiced on pad, then against and incoming punch (13:55)
- 5. Week 97 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Pivot Uppercut move (18:21)
- 2. CK Power Generation (2nd section) – Pivot Cut Down back into SNT Stance (8:19)
- 3. Chisau - Using PIVOTS & STEPS (COM) to retain the pressure (Heurng) and ‘stick’ to the partner (14:36)
- 4. Counters to 2 incoming centerline punches (with Chum Kiu Movements) (16:34)
- 5. Week 98 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Heel Kick, Stepping down into Double Tan Sau (7:41)
- 2. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Stepping in Chum Kiu Stance resisted on body (10:20)
- 3. Continuous Punch exercise with mini-pivots (LEVEL 4 speed) (9:05)
- 4. Defending 2 Roundhouse kicks with the same leg (10:05)
- 5. Week 99 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Back leg step & Double Bong Sau (16:16)
- 2. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Front leg step & Double Tan Sau (10:19)
- 3. Testing Seng by pulling on head to bend the neck - Link to Clinch work (part 1) (12:49)
- 4. Testing Seng by pulling on head to bend the neck - Link to Clinch work (part 2) (11:55)
- 5. Week 100 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Step with Arm Circle/Jum Sau movement (18:36)
- 2. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Palm Strikes and Pull Backs with feet together (no Stance) (8:01)
- 3. Counter Takedowns:Tackles detailed (part 1) (19:08)
- 4. Counter Takedowns:Tackles detailed (part 2) (16:01)
- 5. Week 102 - Homework Sheet
- 1. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Moving the mass back with the feet together (20:32)
- 2. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Outside-pivot Kick of Chum Kiu (13:14)
- 3. Positioning, Kicking and getting back up from the ground detailed (Part 1) (14:05)
- 4. Positioning, Kicking and getting back up from the ground detailed (Part 2) (14:12)
- 5. Week 103 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Chum Kiu - Putting mass into the legs (making knees an outlet) (27:42)
- 2. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Leg straight while placing down (16:09)
- 3. CK Power Generation (3rd section) – Pivot and Palm Strikes:Punch (18:04)
- 4. Stepping in at an angle to break guard (with appropriate follow ups) (14:45)
- 5. Week 105 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Chum Kiu - Transferring Mass into the Limbs - (Part 1) (19:47)
- 2. Chum Kiu - Transferring Mass into the Limbs - (Part 2) (23:34)
- 3. Stepping back and forth with Punches - Transferring mass into every Punch (15:41)
- 4. Biu Gee - beginner's suggested practicing speed (5:14)
- 5. Week 113 - Homework Sheet
- 1. Sparring - Defense against Random Arms and Legs - (Part 1) (23:33)
- 2. Sparring - Defense against Random Arms and Legs - (Part 2) (24:16)
- 3. Introduction to dealing with multiple attackers (25:13)
- 4. Dynamic pad-work - 2 Straight Punches followed by a Hook/Uppercut (16:02)
- 5. Week 119 - Homework Sheet